AICTE Sponsored ATAL FDP On “ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRY 4.O SCENARIO” from 27th January 2025 to 01st February 2025. Click here for more details.

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DR. M . ANIL, Head of the department Civil engineering delivered a lecture in a five day executive development program on "GIS application in Rural Roads" held in NIT Warangal, sponsored by NRIDA, MORD INDIA



Congratulations to Er. A. Sanjeevaraju, Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE, for being the topper in NPTEL Course "Problem Solving Through Programming in C" during July – October 2024.



Kamala Institute of Technology and Science proudly announces the release of the book "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" authored by Dr. K. Praveen Kumar Rao, Professor & Head, Dept. of AI&ML and CSE(DS), Dean R&D and Mr. Raghu Nangunuri, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE and Mr. D. Prashanth Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE. The book was officially unveiled by the esteemed Secretary and Correspondent, Sri V. Satish Kumar Garu, Ex-MLA, Husnabad.



Kamala Institute of Technology and Science proudly announces the release of the book “NCC Cadet Ready Reckoner” authored by Dr. Major Ravindra Babu Kallam, Prof. & Head, Dept. of CSE and IT. The book was officially unveiled by the Honorable chairman Sri Capt.V.Laxmikantha Rao garu, Ex MP and esteemed Secretary and Correspondent, Sri V. Satish Kumar garu, Ex MLA, Husnabad.

Congratulations to Mr.S. Vamshi Krishna, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department on having been awarded Ph.D from Osmania University for the thesis entitled "Optimization of process parameters for 3D printing of Biochar Interleaved Biocomposites using FDM process"



Congratulations to Dr Anil Modinpuroju, Asso.Prof,Head, Dept. of Civil Engineering on publishing patent journal on "AI and Blockchain based transportation management device". Journal no. 48/2024. Published on 29/11/2024 in Patient office journal.



Dr K Rajashekhar, Assistant Professor of Physics, H&S department presented an invited talk on "Structural and magnetic traits of Nd doped copper rich nickel ferrite nano particles" in Academic Support to State Universities for Research Education (ASSURE) workshop on Magnetism, organised by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad in collaboration with Department of Physics, Osmania University, Hyderabad.

Congratulations to Dr YOGESH PUNDLIK, Prof & Head of EEE Dept Delivered expert talk in online ATAL FDP program organised by Jayamukhi Institute of Technology and Science Narsampet, Warangal



Congratulations to Mr. Thirupathi Allam, Assistant Professor, Dept.of EEE for being recognized as NPTEL Motivated Learner for JUL - DEC 2024



Congratulations to Mr. Thirupathi Allam, Assistant Professor, Dept.of EEE for being recognized as NPTEL Discipline Star for JUL - DEC 2024



Congratulations to Mr. Thatipamula RamaKrishna, Assistant Professor, Dept.of EEE for being recognized as NPTEL Believer for JUL - DEC 2024



Congratulations to Mr. Abisheker Reddy Antham, Assistant Professor, Dept.of EEE for being recognized as NPTEL Motivated Learner for JUL - DEC 2024



Congratulations to Mr. M Raju, Assistant Professor, Dept.of EEE for being recognized as NPTEL Motivated Learner for JUL - DEC 2024



Congratulations to Mr. T Raju, Assistant Professor, Dept.of EEE for being recognized as NPTEL Discipline Star for JUL - DEC 2024



Congratulations to Mr. M Raju, Assistant Professor, Dept.of EEE for being recognized as NPTEL Believer for JUL - DEC 2024



Congratulations to Dr. Nellutla Sasikala, Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering on publishing a chapter titled "CHANDRAYAAN: SURVEY ON THE JOURNEY TO MOON" in the edited book Futuristic Trends in Contemporary Mathematics & Applications Volume 3 Book 3, e-ISBN: 978-93-6252-646-5, Publication Date: 25 - February - 2024, Print-ISBN: 978-93-6252-348-8, Publication Date: 30 - April - 2024



Congratulations to Dr.K.Madhulatha, Associate Professor Dept. of H&S on receiving "Research Excellence Award - 2024" from Institute of Scholars.

Congratulations to Dr.K.Madhulatha, Associate Professor Dept. of H&S, for publishing a paper entitled "Revolutionary Advances in Quantum Computing Technology" in Journal of Technology, Volume 12, Issue 9 2024, ISSN: 1012- 3407, Page No:-270-277, DOI:18.15001/JOT.2024/V1218.24.676



Congratulations to Dr YOGESH PUNDLIK, Professor & Head, Dept.of EEE, on receiving a Certificate of Recognition from IIP Series (Iterative International Publishers) for an outstanding contribution as an EDITOR for the book titled "Research Trends in Language, Literature & Linguistics", Volume 3 Book 6 , E-ISBN:978-93-6252-936-7, Print ISBN: 978-93-6252-372-3



Congratulations to Dr.K.Madhulatha, Associate Professor Dept. of H&S, on receiving Certificate of Recognition from IIP Series (Iterative International Publishers) for an outstanding contribution asan EDITOR for the book titled "Futuristic Trends in Contemporary Mathematics & Applications" Volume 3, Book 3, E-ISBN:978-93-6252-646-5, Print ISBN: 978-93-6252-348-8

Congratulations to Dr. A. Johnson, Sr. Asst Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department on having been awarded Ph.D in ROBOTICS from Osmania University for the thesis entitled "Design Development and Testing of a Bio-Inspired Robot with Caterpillar Locomotion for Pipeline Inspection"

Congratulations to Dr YOGESH PUNDLIK, Professor & Head, Dept.of EEE for publishing a paper entitled "Using SVC light to enhance power quality in grid-connected wind energy systems ". AIP conference Proceedings

Congratulations to Dr YOGESH PUNDLIK, Professor & Head, Dept.of EEE for publishing a paper entitled " Stable Power Production from PV systems using a revised P&O -MPPT algorithm: Modeling and simulation". AIP conference Proceedings

Congratulations to Dr.N.Sasikala,Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Kamala Institute of Technology & Science, Karimnagar, Telangana, for publishing paper titled "The Magic of Pixels: Unravelling the Power of AI in Creating Realistic Images". International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,Volume 13 , issue 7.

Congratulations to Mrs. Lalitha Nagapuri and Mr. Suresh Penchala, Assistant Professors in ECE department for publishing a patent entitled “METHOD FOR REAL-TIME ADAPTATION OF BEAMFORMING PATTERNS USING MACHINE LEARNING TO OPTIMIZE SIGNAL STRENGTH AND REDUCE INTERFERENCE” in the Patent Office Journal Application No.202441047583 A ,Dated 28/06/2024



Congratulations to Dr. ANIL M, HoD, Dept.of CIVIL Engineering on Delivering a technical lecture on "Geoinformatics in Rural Roads" in a Five day executive development program on" Pavement Management System for Rural Roads" sponsored by NRIDA, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. Organised by NIT Warangal.



Congratulations to Dr. Yogesh Yashwant Pundlik, Prof & Head EEE & Mr. Suresh Penchala, Asst.Prof in ECE of Kamala Institute of Technology and Science. Technology Intervention proposal under the category of “Technology Development” entitled, “Installation of roof top solar system for Bala Vikas-public mineral water plant at Singapur village" submitted by you under SEG Rural Infrastructure, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Project-No: RP-03525G, has been approved and the funds have been disbursed by the National Coordinating Institute, IIT Delhi.

Congratulations to Dr.N.SASIKALA, Professor in ECE Dept. and Dr. K. Praveen Kumar Rao, Professor in AI & ML Dept,for publishing a book chapter titled "CHANDRAYAAN: SURVEY ON THE JOURNEY TO MOON" Book Name: Futuristic Trends in Contemporary Mathematics & Applications Volume 3 Book 3 Authors: Dr. Nellutla Sasikala, Dr. K. Praveen Kumar Rao.Published in: IIP Series Volume:3, Month:May,Year:2024 Page No.1-18 e-ISBN:978-93-6252-646-5 DOI/Link:

Congratulations to Mr. A.Mahender Rao, Assistant Professor, H&S Department on having been awarded Ph.D from Chaitanya deemed University for the thesis on "Sythesis and characterization of polymer metal complex hybrid photo catalyst for degradaton of Organic pollutants"



Congratulations to Dr Nellutla Sasikala, Professor, ECE department,on publishing a Paper titled "ROI SEGMENTATION AND MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF KIDNEY STONE DETECTION" DOI:

Congratulations to Dr Nellutla Sasikala, Professor, ECE department,on publishing a Paper titled "Machine Interpretation of Ballet Dance Alternating Wavelet Spatial and Channel Attention Based Learning Model " DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3390004 IEEE Access

Congratulations to Mr. Suresh Penchala, Assistant professor in ECE department, on publishing a Paper titled " Performance enhancement of MIMO-OFDM using hybrid equalisers-based ICI mitigation with channel estimation in time varying channels”. in International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC), Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023 (SCI indexed Journal). Published Online:December 5, 2023, pp 644-653,

Congratulations Mrs. Lalitha Nagapuri and Mr. Suresh Penchala, Assistant Professors in ECE department, on publishing a Paper titled " Deep Ridge Regression Neural Network-based hybrid precoder and combiner design” in Multimedia Tools and Applications (2024) (Springer-SCI indexed Journal).

Congratulations to Dr YOGESH PUNDLIK, Professor & Head, Dept.of EEE for publishing a patent entitled "ENHANCING THE POWER BY REDUCING THE HARMONICS IN GRID CONNECTED INVERTERS USING DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUE" in The Patent Office Journal No. 06/2024 Dated 09/02/2024



Congratulations to Dr.G.Mallaiah, Professor, Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering for achieving the "BEST RESEARCHER AWARD"



Congratulations to Mr.RAGHU NANGUNURI, Asst.Prof, Dept.of CSE, SPOC, SWAYAM-NPTEL Local Chapter on receiving an appreciation as "ACTIVE SPOC" from SWAYAM-NPTEL for Jul-Dec 2023 Semester.

Congratulations to Mr.N. Ramakrishna, Asst.professor & Dr. G.Mallaiah, Professor of Mechanical Engineering on publishing research paper titled “ Experimental and optimization studies of friction stir processed Cu-TiB2 surface composites” in the proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. Sage journals: Impact factor : 2.0



Congratulations to Dr. VEERYA NAYAK GUGULOTHU, Asst.Prof in English for publishing a book titled "Teaching Reading Skills through Cultural Narratives" with Iterative International Publishers, ISBN: 978-93-5747-637-9.



Congratulations to Dr K.Madhulatha, Assoc.Prof in Mathematics on receiving "BEST FACULTY AWARD" from International Award Ceremony on Academic Achievers in Educational Institutions [AAHEI 2023] on 10th December, 2023 in recognition of her outstanding contribution in Academics and Research.



Congratulations to Dept. of Civil Engineering on receiving Outstanding ICI(Indian concert institute) student chapter award for the year 2022.



Congratulations to Dr. ANIL MODINPUROJU, HoD, Dept.of CIVIL Engineering on receiving appreciation for acting as Co-chair for 9th conference on Transportation systems engineering and management (CTSEM-2023). Organized by Transportation Division, department of civil engineering. NIT Warangal.

Congratulations to Dr.Yogesh Y Pundlik, Head & Professor in EEE Dept. on publishing a Patent titled "Renewable method of charging the Laptops by Piezoelectricity." Date of filing of Application :24/06/2023 (43) Publication Date : 07/07/2023



Congratulations to Mr N Raghu,Asst.Professor, CSE department,on receiving Appreciation Award from NPTEL- SWAYAM as "Active SPOC".

Congratulations to Dr Nellutla Sasikala, Professor, ECE department.,G.Prathyusha,T.Suchithra,B.Dileep Kumar, K.Akhila, on publishing a Paper titled "Image Enhancement and Adjustment using Profile Compression Algorithm for Histogram Equalization" in in NOVMI MIR research journal , volume 8, issue 4 ,2023,page nos: 199 -209

Congratulations to Dr. Veerya Nayak G, Assistant Professor in H & S Dept., on publishing a reasearch paper titled "Teaching English at Primary Level in tribal areas: Problems and challenges in International Research Journal of Management sociology & Humanities, Feb 2- 2023.

Congratulations to Dr. Veerya Nayak G, Assistant Professor in H & S Dept., on publishing a reasearch paper titled "Mother Tongue Impact on Speaking English at Engineering Level: A Case Study" in International Multidisciplinary Double-Blind Peer-reviewed Research Journal, Special Issue, Volume IV Issue I September 2022. ISSN: 2582-1962

Congratulations to Mr.M.Pradeep Kumar, Assistant Professor in ME Dept. on having been awarded Ph.D from JNTUH for his dissertation titled "Investigations on reliability related aspects of load transport system in mining industries"

Congratulations to Dr.Yogesh Y Pundlik, Head & Professor in EEE Dept., Elected as Member of Governing Council of Solar Energy Society of INDIA

Congratulations to Dr.N.Sasikala ,Professor ECE Dept for having been awarded as BEST RESEARCHER for the contribution and honorable achievement in innovative research.Given by International Research Awards on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Congratulations to Dr.N.Sasikala ,Professor ECE Dept,Dr.K.Praveen Kumar Rao ,Professor CSE Dept and ,E.Swapana,Assistant professor ECE Dept on publishing a Paper titled "A Robust Medical Image Encryption Algorithm for Gray Medical Kidney Images", in GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL ISSN NO : 1869-9391,VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11, 2022,789-797

Congratulations to Dr.K.Praveen Kumar Rao ,Professor CSE Dept and Dr.N.Sasikala ,Professor ECE Dept on publishing a Paper titled "eAgri: Smart Agriculture Monitoring Scheme using Machine Learning Strategies", in International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES) DOI: 10.1109/ICSES55317.2022 15-16 July 2022

Congratulations to Mr N Raghu , Assistant professor, CSE department, for undergoing "Advanced Level" training as Part of IIC ,Innovation Ambassador

Congratulations to DR ANIL MODINPUROJU, Assistant professor & HOD in CIVIL Engineering department, on publishing a patent for "An Artificially intelligent method for detailed estimation of road undulations using aerial images." Journal no. 37/2022. Published on 16/09/2022 in Patient office journal

Congratulations to Lalitha Nagapuri and Suresh Penchala, Assistant professors in ECE department, on publishing a Paper titled "Energy Efficient Underlaid D2D Communication for 5G Applications" in journal "MDPI-Electronics", Electronics 2022, 11(16), 2587; (SCI indexed Journal)

Congratulations to A.Mahender Rao, Assistant Professor, H&S Department, on publishing Paper title : Nano-CeO2-loaded chitosan-bocglycine zinc complex for the photocatalytic degradation of picric acid by the combination of Fenton’s reagent in springer Journal : Applied Physics A Volume : 128Issue : 9, September 2022 Article number : 742

Congratulations to Arathi.B, Assistant Professor, CSE department., on receiving "Best paper Award" for her paper title " Classification of cotton leaf diseases using Transfer learning-DenseNet-121" in International Conference ICACECS-2022 sponsored by Springer Journal

Congratulations to Lt.Dr.K.Ravindra Babu ,Head & Professor in CSE Dept on getting promoted to the rank of Captain"

Congratulations to Mr.A.HariPrasad, Associate Professor in ECE Dept. on having been awarded Ph.D from "GITAM , Deemed to be University,Visakhapatnam "

Congratulations to Dr Nellutla Sasikala, Associate Professor, ECE department., on publishing a Paper titled "COMPUTER WORD RECOGNITION- IMAGE PROCESSING USING SIGN GESTURES- CREATION OF A NOVEL SIGN LANGUAGE" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May - 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Veerya Nayak G, Assistant Professor in H & S Dept., on publishing a research paper titled "TEACHING LANGUAGE SKILLS THROUGH SHORT STORIES" in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review (IJMDRR) peer reviewed and refereed journal, Volume- 7, Issue- 12, December 2021, pp. 421-425

Congratulations to Dr.Yogesh Y Pundlik, Head & Professor in EEE Dept., on publishing a patent (Patent ID:202141035033) "eScalable Multi sensor Networking Protocol to interface upcoming Internet of everything (IOE) dev"



Congratulations to Mr.D.Prashanth Kumar, Assistant Professor ,Dr.K.Praveen Kumar Rao, Associate Professor,in CSE Dept. for publishing a book , "Fundamentals of Python Programming"

Congratulations to DR ANIL MODINPUROJU, Assistant professor & HOD in CIVIL Engineering department, on publishing a paper on "Network evaluation and prioritisation of rural roads using vulnerability analysis " in journal "Proceedings of the institutions of the civil Engineers-Transport", pp 1-9, (SCI indexed)

Congratulations to DR ANIL MODINPUROJU, Assistant professor & HOD in CIVIL Engineering department, on publishing a paper titled "Effect of Pedestrian Crossing Behavior at Mid-Block Section of Urban Roads on Traffic Flow Characteristics " in Scopus Indexed Journal.

Congratulations to DR ANIL MODINPUROJU, Assistant professor & HOD in CIVIL Engineering department, on publishing a paper titled "Estimation of equivalency units of different vehicle type Under mixed traffic conditions " in Scopus Indexed Journal

Congratulations to DR ANIL MODINPUROJU, Assistant professor & HOD in CIVIL Engineering department, on publishing a paper titled "Vehicle Arrival, Time Headway and Speed Distributions under Mixed Traffic Conditions on Multilane Highways " in Scopus Indexed Journal.

Congratulations to Dr K.Praveen Kumar Rao, Associate Professor in CSE Dept., Dr Nellutla Sasikala, Associate Professor and Mr.Karthik Nasani ,Assistant Professor in ECE department, on publishing a patent (Patent ID:202141030415) "eAgri: Smart Agriculture Monitoring Scheme using Machine Learning Strategies"



Congratulations to Dr Nellutla Sasikala, Associate Professor ECE department.,T. VYSHNAVI (17281A0446) M. POOJA (17281A0423) N. HARSHA VARDHAN (17281A0428) CH. SUDHA PATEL (17281A0419) SUMERA (17281A0403) on publishing a Paper titled "Face Detection for Real time images in complex background using HOG " in "IJIRT ",Volume 8 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002 Pageno: 776-785 ,JUNE 2021 and receiving certificate of appreciation at Fifth IEEE National Level Project Competition-2021 (Virtual)" on 26 June 2021 held at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru IEEE Student Branch in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Mysore Sub Section organizing, Co-Sponsored by IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Bangalore

Congratulations to Dr Nellutla Sasikala, Associate Professor ECE department.,Ms.P. Sougandhi Manonmani ,III year ECE, 18281A0440 on publishing a Paper titled "Satellite Systems-Space Debris: Survey" in "IJIRT ",Page nos 504-511,ISSN:2349-6002,VOLUME-8,ISSUE-1 ,JUNE 2021

Congratulations to Dr.K.RAVINDRA BABU ,Head & Professor in CSE Dept, Ms.B.Arathi,Assistant Professor in CSE Dept. for publishing paper titled "Efficient plant leaf disease identification Material Fabrication using lightweight device",in Science Direct Elsevier, Materials Today: Proceedings

Congratulations to Dr.Yogesh Y Pundlik, Head & Professor in EEE Dept. for being awarded certificate of appreciation for contribution as reviewer at Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BEEI). BEEI, ISSN: 2089-3191, e-ISSN: 2302-9285.

Congratulations to Mr.K.Praveen Kumar Rao, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering department for having been awarded Ph.D, from "Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science and Technology ", Avadi, Chennai for the thesis entitled "Performance Improvement in TCP, Based on Smart Acknowledgement Distributed Channel Access and Congestion for MANET "

Congratulations to Dr.Yogesh Y Pundlik, Head & Professor in EEE Dept. for being selected for National Advisory Committee Member for ICEESC-21 Conference.

Congratulations to Mr. V.Vidya Sagar, Assistant Professor(Mathematics) in H&S Dept. on having been awarded Ph.D from "JNTU HYDERABAD "

Congratulations to Dr.Yogesh Y Pundlik, Head & Professor in EEE Dept. for being selected for National Advisory Committee Member for ICRCEST-2K21 Conference.

Congratulations to Mrs. CHADA PRATHYUSHA, Assistant Professor in EEE Dept. on having been awarded Ph.D from "Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences,BHOPAL "



Dr.Yogesh Y Pundlik, Head & Professor in EEE Dept. for receiving "Best Reviewer Award" for year 2020 from Elsevier SSRN Research Award 2020, IJIEMR.



Mr.D.Prashanth Kumar, Assistant Professor in CSE Dept. for publishing a book , "Data Structures Using C "

Congratulations to Mrs.N.SASIKALA, Associate Professor in ECE Dept. on having been awarded Ph.D from "KL University,Vijayawada "

Congratulations to Mr B.Yakhoob, Sr.Assistant Professor in CSE Dept. on publishing patent for "A SMART HAIR CLIP WITH FREQUENCY BAND TO PROTECT WOMEN AGAINST DANGERS USING ANTENNA COMMUNICATION"

Congratulations to Mr N.Gowtham Kumar, Assistant Professor in CSE Dept.on publishing patent for "A SMART HAIR CLIP WITH FREQUENCY BAND TO PROTECT WOMEN AGAINST DANGERS USING ANTENNA COMMUNICATION"

Congratulations to Mr D.Prashanth Kumar, Assistant Professor in CSE Dept. on publishing patent for "A SMART HAIR CLIP WITH FREQUENCY BAND TO PROTECT WOMEN AGAINST DANGERS USING ANTENNA COMMUNICATION"

Congratulations to Mr K.Praveen Kumar Rao, Associate Professor in CSE Dept. on publishing patent for "AN AUTOMATED METHODOLOGY AND SYSTEM TO MANAGE THE STUDENT RELATED INFORMATION EFFICIENTLY"

Congratulations to Mr N.Raghu, Assistant Professor in CSE Dept.on publishing patent for "AN AUTOMATED METHODOLOGY AND SYSTEM TO MANAGE THE STUDENT RELATED INFORMATION EFFICIENTLY"

Congratulations to Mr E.Prasad, Assistant Professor in CSE Dept. on publishing patent for "AN AUTOMATED METHODOLOGY AND SYSTEM TO MANAGE THE STUDENT RELATED INFORMATION EFFICIENTLY"

Congratulations to Mr.S.RAJENDRA PRASAD, Associate Professor in ME Dept. on having been awarded Ph.D from "JNTU,HYDERABAD "

Congratulations to Dr.K.Ravindra Babu, HEAD & PROFESSOR in CSE Dept on Grant of patent for "A CENTRALIZED PARKING SPACE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BY USING DISTRIBUTED ANTENNA TECHNIQUES" by Australian Government